This function will find the first cell of the active worksheet with a specific content and return the column or row number.
' **************************************** ' Designed by : Smarter Dimensions ' Last Updated : 5th July 2009 ' Function to find first cell with specific content ' **************************************** Dim oExcel,oWorkBook,oSheet dim iCel,oCell,iStartCol,iEndCol Set oExcel = createobject("Excel.Application") oExcel.Workbooks.Open("C:\TEMP\ExcelExport.xls") oExcel.Visible = True oWorkBook = oExcel.ActiveWorkbook Set oSheet = oWorkBook.ActiveSheet iStartCol = 1 iEndCol = FindFirstCell(3,9,"C","",oSheet) Function FindFirstCell(iCol,iRow,sDirection,sLookFor,oSheet) Do while oSheet.Cells[iRow][iCol].text <> sLookFor Select Case sDirection Case = "C" iCol = iCol + 1 Case = "R" iRow = iRow + 1 End Select Loop Select Case sDirection Case = "C" FindFirstCell = iCol - 1 Case = "R" FindFirstCell = iRow - 1 End Select End Function