This code will show you how to insert a record into a standard SQL table passing in values collected from a Data Collection Survey.
This is the metadata
Metadata(en-AU, Question, Label) ConnectionInfo "{Info}" info; Name "Name" text; End Metadata
This is the routing
Routing(Web3) Dim oInfo Set oInfo = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") oInfo.Add("Message","") oInfo.Add("ID",-1) Name.Ask() ' Lets Insert the Record Set oInfo = InsertDataRecord("MyServer","Participants", _ "Names","ID,UserName", _ CTEXT(iom.Info.Serial) + ",'" + Name.Response.Value + "'", _ "MyAdmin","ABC",oInfo) ConnectionInfo.Label.Inserts["Info"] = Ctext(oInfo.item["Message"]) ConnectionInfo.Show() Function InsertDataRecord(sServer,sDatabase,sTable, _ sFields,sValues,sUser,sPassword,oReturnObject) Dim oConnection, oRecordset Dim sInfo ,sConnection, sSQL On Error Goto ErrorMessage Set oConnection = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") sConnection = "Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Persist Security Info=-1;" sConnection = sConnection + "Password=" + sPassword + ";" sConnection = sConnection + "User ID=" + sUser + ";" sConnection = sConnection + "Initial Catalog=" + sDatabase + ";" sConnection = sConnection + "Data Source=" + sServer oConnection.Open(sConnection) If ( oConnection.State = 1 ) Then sSQL = "INSERT INTO " + sTable + " (" + sFields + ") VALUES " + "(" + sValues + ")" oConnection.Execute(sSQL) oReturnObject.Remove("Message") oReturnObject.Add("Message", "Connection to the Database worked, Insert Complete") Else oReturnObject.Remove("Message") oReturnObject.Add("Message", "Connection to the Database failed") End If oConnection.Close() Goto EndOfFunction ErrorMessage: sInfo = sInfo + "Error : " sInfo = sInfo + Err.Description + "" sInfo = sInfo + CTEXT(Err.LineNumber) oReturnObject.Remove("Message") oReturnObject.Add("Message", sInfo) EndOfFunction: Set oConnection = Null Set InsertDataRecord = oReturnObject End Function End Routing