This script shows you how to change the status of a project on a specific date via the use of the DPM objects.
Const SERVER = "ENTER_SERVERNAME_HERE" Const USERNAME = "ENTER_USERNAME_HERE" Const PASSWORD = "ENTER_PASSWORD_HERE" Dim dpmAgent,dpmProject,dpmProjects Dim oArray[10][4],iProjectCount oArray[0][1] = "J2001" oArray[0][2] = "25/12/2009" oArray[0][3] = "Inactive" oArray[1][1] = "J9001" oArray[1][2] = "25/12/2009" oArray[1][3] = "Inactive" Debug.Log("Creating Agent object...") Set dpmAgent = CreateObject("SPSSMR.DPM.Security.Login.Agent2") Debug.Log("Login as specified user...") dpmAgent.ConnectToDPMServer(SERVER) dpmAgent.Login(USERNAME,PASSWORD,Null) Set dpmProjects = dpmAgent.Server.Projects iProjectCount = 0 Do While (oArray[iProjectCount][1] <> "") On Error Goto ProjectNotFound If ( oArray[iProjectCount][2] = format(now(),"ddmmyyyy") ) Then Debug.Log("Get the project from DPM...") Set dpmProject = dpmAgent.Server.Projects[oArray[iProjectCount][1]]["Status"] = oArray[iProjectCount][3] End If ProjectNotFound: On error Goto 0 iProjectCount=iProjectCount+1 Loop Debug.Log("Logging out of Agent...") dpmAgent.Logout()