I have been going through my posts and noticed this one never got out the door. 4years on and the project is still going strong. Take a look and let me know what you think.
Month: May 2017
JustCode : Updated Functions for GetMrData.xls
This update getdata function will split the data across multiple tabs.
Sub GetData() 'variables used to invoke the standard MS Data Link Properties dialog Dim DataLinkHelper 'variables used to access ADO Dim ADO Dim SQLQuery Dim RecordSet Dim Field 'variables used to populate Excel cells Dim XLSheet Dim XLStartRow Dim XLStartColumn Dim XLCol Dim XLRow Dim iFieldsPerSheet Dim oSheet 'have the user specify the data source they wish to use Set DataLinkHelper = CreateObject("MROLEDB.DataLinkHelper") Result = DataLinkHelper.DisplayWizard() 'this will return the connection string If Result = "" Then 'User Canceled Call MsgBox("Data source selection canceled by user.") Exit Sub Else 'instantiate an ADO object and give it the connection string returned by the Data Link Properties dialog Set ADO = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") ADO.ConnectionString = Result ADO.Open End If 'execute a query that will return all the data 'from the data source specfied by the user SQLQuery = "select * from vdata" Set RecordSet = ADO.Execute(SQLQuery) 'now iterate thru the returned recordset to populate the Excel worksheet XLSheet = 1 XLStartRow = 5 XLStartColumn = 1 For Each oSheet In Worksheets Worksheets(XLSheet).Cells.ClearContents XLSheet = XLSheet + 1 Next XLCol = XLStartColumn XLRow = XLStartRow iFieldsPerSheet = 10 XLSheet = 1 For Each Field In RecordSet.Fields Worksheets(XLSheet).Cells(XLRow, XLCol).FormulaR1C1 = Field.Name XLCol = XLCol + 1 If (iFieldsPerSheet < XLCol) Then XLCol = XLStartColumn XLSheet = XLSheet + 1 If (Sheets.Count < XLSheet) Then Sheets.Add After:=Sheets(Sheets.Count) End If End If Next If Not RecordSet.EOF Then XLRow = XLStartRow + 1 Do Until RecordSet.EOF XLCol = XLStartColumn XLSheet = 1 For Each Field In RecordSet.Fields Worksheets(XLSheet).Cells(XLRow, XLCol).FormulaR1C1 = RecordSet(Field.Name) XLCol = XLCol + 1 If (iFieldsPerSheet < XLCol) Then XLCol = XLStartColumn XLSheet = XLSheet + 1 If (Sheets.Count < XLSheet) Then Sheets.Add After:=Sheets(Sheets.Count) End If End If Next XLRow = XLRow + 1 RecordSet.MoveNext DoEvents Loop End If ADO.Close End Sub
JustCode : Loop File a line at a time
This code shows us how to open a file in readonly mode and skip through it a line at a time.
’ ****************************************
‘ Designed by : Smarter Dimensions
‘ Last Updated : 24th July 2009
‘ Loop File a line at a time.
‘ ****************************************Dim oFSO, oFile
Set oFSO = CreateObject(“Scripting.FileSystemObject”)
Set oFile = oFSO.OpenTextFile(“C:\temp\test.txt”,1,false,0)Do While oFile.AtEndOfStream = false