Q & A: Merging Two Datasets

Recently we where asked the following question and thought it was a good one for our questions and answers section.

Q: In relation to our having two existing questionnaires with the same questions, I saw in the DDL documentation that a project database can be merged into a second project database. What software is used to do this and what happens when you have duplicate serial numbers ?

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Learn VBA : Loops

Many times in our scripts we will need to repeat something a certain amount of times. To help us do this we have the a few statements that we can use. In this article you will learn how to use the “For … Next” , “For Each” and the “Do While”.

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Learn VBA : Select Case

Previously we talked about the If statements and how we can use these to perhaps route our respondents through a survey only showing the questions that are relevant to them. Another way to route our survey or script is to use the select statement and in this article we will show you how to do just that.

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