Customising GetMrData.xls ( Split Data Across Sheets )

In a recent coment we where asked by Nathan to change the

 so that when the get data section is run it spreads the data across multiple sheets. Having the data all on one sheet can be a problem in older versions of excel, as you are limited to a certain amount of columns. This article provides you with this updated 
 and explains how it is done.

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Q & A: Setting the answer of a multiple response question.


I have this multiple response question and I want certain selections to be 
'thicked' automatically. If I type in the script


the only first one is selected but others are not. If I type

          Question.Response.Value="Choice2, Choice3"

it does not work


Metadata(en-AU, Question, label)
Q1 "Question_Text_Goes_Here" categorical [1..]
End Metadata

Q1 = {A,E}
End Routing

How to use GetMrData.xls

GetMrData.xls has been around for as long as we can remember, but how many of you know about it ? In the article we will show you how to use it and get your data into an excel file. Yes you can export directly out of Data collection to do this directly, but with this file and some customization you could make it do allot more than just that.

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