By now you will have a script that will produce a template and fill it in with your own formatting for the simple question types. In this article we will add the remaining code in to deal with the complex questions like grids and loops.
Month: July 2010
Verge Consulting Now Showing: Easy Weight
A while ago Verge ran a webex that showed us the products they have produced. This Movie shows you everything you need to know about the Easy Weight program and how it can help you work out your Weighting Values.
Verge Consulting Now Showing: Excel Export
A while ago Verge ran a webex that showed us the products they have produced. This Movie shows you everything you need to know about the Excel Export and how it can speed up your exports to Excel and give your more functionality.
Printing your survey results to word : Part 3
In this third article on printing to word, we will enhance the scripts that we already have so that it places the respondents answers’ in the template file in their allotted space.