Site Under Renovation


just to let you know that this site is undergoing some re-work. The site should be up at all times and you should be able to get to the content that you need.

Things to do :

  1. Choose a new theme.
  2. Make sure links work.
  3. Will be deleting all user accounts shortly due to spam users.
  4. Will be deleting all old job post.

I am also looking for content writers so if you are interested in writing articles for this site let me know and lets see if we can make something happen.

Hope you find what you need.


Xceed releases Excel export for Reports for Surveys.

We have finally released our Excel Export Component, which means you can export from your Reports for Surveys or Professional Studio at a much faster speed.

We now have 2 Export solutions for you:

1. Xcel Export – Express : This uses just a plain old MTD file to create your tables which means you do not need the Dataset and MDD to export to Excel.

2. Xcel Export Component: This integrates with in the applications and you can export faster than using Xcel Export – Express.

Visit our website:

Copy and paste the above link if this does not direct you to our website.

For any queries please email:

Quick Post : Update

Its been a while since my last post, things have just been so busy. Anyway , looks like i will be back fully in the land of the living shortly so you will start to see some more movement on this site. I noticed that someone on the site has been frequently trying to find out how to capture IP address’s in a survey so i am working on something that will do that , and hopefully more for my first post.

Also for those of you that did not know we have a note from Research11 saying they have changed their name to 22Surveys. So if you are following them you will need to update your links.

News : XCEED Update

XCEED are happy to announce that they have created an export component for your IBM SPSS Survey Report/Reports for surveys application as well as for your IBM SPSS MR Studio/Professional Studio.

They will be releasing the product in a few weeks.

***Anybody that has purchased the previous application will be able to download the export component for free as this would still be within your 1 year support and maintenance plan***

For any further information contact

Visit our website:
Happy Exporting!

Xceed Technologies Xcel Export Released!

Xcel Export V1.1.029 FULL RELEASE is now available.

Xceed Technologies has created an application that allows you to export your data into Excel fast and easy. Some projects take 40 minutes or more to export to Excel from your IBM SPSS Data Collection Base Professional Studio application or Survey Reporter. Xcel Export can export 100’s of tables in just 2 – 3 minutes, with visual features. 

  Xcel Export can provide:

  • Running Excel tables faster than usual
  • Table of Contents, with detailed information and hyperlinking to each table
  • Better formatted Table of Contents with template
  • Save Projects and Load Projects
  • Command-Line runner
  • Option for using standard theme/clearing theme
  • Option for using a logo
  • Positioning logo
  • Freeze Panes of Axes
  • Option for Showing/Hiding Grid Lines

Please visit: for more information.
