JustCode : Delete a vdata record
This sub shows us how to delete a vdata record from a survey. It has 3 parms that you need to pass in. You will also need to enter a valid SQL user login & password.
' sSurvey: The name of the survey that is to be used. ' sID: The Respondent.serial that is to be deleted. ' sServer: The name or the IP of the SQL server ' **************************************** ' Designed by : Smarter Dimensions ' Last Updated : 8th July 2009 ' Sub to delete a vdata record ' **************************************** Sub DeleteVDataRecord(sSurvey,sID,sServer) Set oConnection = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") oConnection.ConnectionString = "Provider=mrOleDB.Provider.2;Data Source=mrRdbDsc2;Location='Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Password=XXXXXX;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=XX;Initial Catalog=" + sSurvey + ";Data Source=" + sServer + "';Initial Catalog=\" + sServer + "SPSSMR_FMROOTMaster" + sSurvey + "" + sSurvey + ".mdd;MR Init Project=" + sSurvey oConnection.Open() If ( oConnection.State = 1 ) Then Set oRecordset = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") oRecordset.Open("DELETE FROM VDATA WHERE Respondent.serial = '" + sID + "'" ,oConnection,3,1) Set oRecordset = Null End If oConnection.Close() Set oConnection = Null End Sub
JustCode : Responses under radio buttons
This code shows us how to have our responses under the radio buttons.
Metadata(en-AU, Question, Label) Q1 "This is a Rating Scale {ReplaceMe}" categorical [1..1] { _1 "1 Poor", _2 "2", _3 "3", _4 "4", _5 "5 Good" }; End Metadata
And now for the routing.
Routing(Web) Q1.Style.Columns = 5 Q1.Label.Inserts["ReplaceMe"] = "(Responses underneath)" Q1.Categories[..].Label.Style.ElementAlign=ElementAlignments.eaNewLine Q1.Categories[..].Style.Indent=0 Q1.Categories[..].Style.Align=Alignments.alCenter Q1.Style.Orientation=orientations.orRow Q1.Ask() End Routing
JustCode : Remove a language from MDD via script
This example show us how to open up an MDD file in read-write mode and remove a langauge from it.
' **************************************** ' Designed by : Smarter Dimensions ' Last Updated : 26th September 2009 ' Open MDD file and remove language ' **************************************** Dim oMDM ' Create the MDM object and open the Short Drinks .mdd file in read-write mode Set oMDM = CreateObject("MDM.Document") oMDM.Open("c:\tempNew.mdd", ,2) oMDM.Languages.Remove("JPN") oMDM.Save() oMDM.Close()
JustCode : Randomize Cats V2
This function will randomize categories and make sure that some do not sit next to each other.
Sub q13aran(q,o) Dim cat, cat1, cat2, cat3, cats Dim idx, idx1, idx2, idx3 Dim strFilt ' Randomize q.Categories.Order = o idx = 0 idx1 = 0 idx2 = 0 idx3 = 0 ' Find 3 categories interested in For Each cat in q.Categories idx = idx + 1 If ( cat = {_18} Or cat = {_19} Or cat = {_20} ) Then If ( idx1 = 0 ) then idx1 = idx cat1 = ElseIf ( idx2 = 0 ) Then idx2 = idx cat2 = ElseIf ( idx3 = 0 ) Then idx3 = idx cat3 = End If End If Next ' If not next to each other, then keep what we have If ( (idx1 + 1) <> idx2 And (idx2 + 1) <> idx3 ) Then Exit Sub If ( (idx1 + 1) = idx2 And (idx2 + 1) = idx3 ) Then ' If all 3 in a row If ( idx1 = 1 ) Then ' First 3 idx2 = idx2 + 1 idx3 = idx3 + 2 ElseIf ( idx3 = idx ) Then ' Last 3 idx1 = idx1 - 2 idx2 = idx2 - 1 Else ' in middle idx1 = idx1 - 1 idx3 = idx3 + 1 End If ElseIf ( idx1 = 1 And idx2 = 2 And idx3 = 4 ) Then ' 1,2,4 idx2 = 3 idx3 = 5 ElseIf ( idx1 = 1 And idx2 = 3 And idx3 = 4 ) Then ' 1,3,4 idx2 = 3 idx3 = 5 ElseIf ( (idx1 = (idx - 3)) And idx2 = (idx - 1) And idx3 = idx ) Then ' last-3,last-1,last idx1 = idx1 - 1 idx2 = idx2 - 1 ElseIf ( (idx1 = (idx - 3)) And idx2 = (idx - 2) And idx3 = idx ) Then ' last-3,last-2,last idx1 = idx3 - 4 idx2 = idx3 - 2 Else If ( (idx1 + 1) = idx2 ) Then If ( idx1 = 1 ) Then ' idx1 is first category idx2 = 3 Else idx1 = idx1 - 1 End If End If If ( (idx2 + 1) = idx3 ) Then If ( idx3 = idx ) Then ' idx3 is last category idx2 = idx2 - 1 Else idx3 = idx3 + 1 End If End If End If ' Convert list into a string of categories strFilt = "" idx = 1 For Each cat in q.Categories If ( idx = idx1 ) Then strFilt = strFilt + cat1 + "," idx = idx + 1 ElseIf ( idx = idx2 ) Then strFilt = strFilt + cat2 + "," idx = idx + 1 ElseIf ( idx = idx3 ) Then strFilt = strFilt + cat3 + "," idx = idx + 1 End If If ( cat <> {_18} And cat <> {_19} And cat <> {_20} ) Then strFilt = strFilt + + "," idx = idx + 1 End If Next ' Put into custom order in .Categories strFilt = Left(strFilt,Len(strFilt) - 1) q.Categories.Filter = {} q.Categories.Order = OrderConstants.oCustom cats = split(strFilt,",") For idx = lbound(cats) to ubound(cats) q.Categories.Filter = q.Categories.Filter + CCAtegorical("{" + cats[idx] + "}") Next ' Catch all to ensure these are all captured - should never happen If ( FindItem(q.CAtegories,{_18}) is null ) Then q.Categories = q.Categories + {_18} If ( FindItem(q.CAtegories,{_19}) is null ) Then q.Categories = q.Categories + {_19} If ( FindItem(q.CAtegories,{_20}) is null ) Then q.Categories = q.Categories + {_20} End Sub
JustCode : Count number of characters
Code to count the number of times a specific character apears in a string.
Function CountChars(sString,sLookFor) Dim iCount,iChar For iChar = 0 to Len(sString)-1 If ( mid(sString,iChar,1) = sLookFor ) Then iCount = iCount + 1 End If Next CountChars = iCount End Function
JustCode : Adjust progress bar when asking Loops
This code shows us how to increment the EstimatedProgress counter to show a progress bar correctly when asking loop questions.
Metadata(en-AU, Question, label) Q1 "Loop_Text_Goes_Here" loop { A,B,C,D,E,F } fields ( Q1Rate "Please Rate {@}" categorical [1] { VeryBad,Bad,OK,Good,VeryGood }; ) expand; End Metadata
and now the routing
' **************************************** ' Designed by : Smarter Dimensions ' Last Updated : 4th August 2009 ' Adjust progress bar to display properly when asking loops ' **************************************** Routing(Web) Dim oCat For Each oCat in Q1.Categories Q1[oCat].Ask() IOM.Info.EstimatedProgress = IOM.Info.EstimatedProgress+1 Next End Routing
JustCode : Connect to a Survey and find a record
This code will show you how to connect to a data collection survey and find a specific record. Once found the function will return the ID of the found record.
This is the metadata
Metadata(en-AU, Question, Label) ConnectionInfo "{Info}" info; Name "Name" text; End Metadata
This is the Routing
Routing(Web1) Dim oInfo Set oInfo = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") oInfo.Add("Message","") oInfo.Add("ID",-1) Set oInfo = FindVDataRecord("SERVERNAME","ADO","VDATA","Respondent.Serial","Name = 'Test'","LOGIN","PASSWORD",oInfo) ConnectionInfo.Label.Inserts["Info"] = Ctext(oInfo.item["Message"]) ConnectionInfo.Show() If ( oInfo.item["ID"] <> -1 ) Then ' Do something End If Name.Ask() Function FindVDataRecord(sServer,sDatabase,sTable,sKey,sWhere,sUser,sPassword,oReturnObject) Dim oConnection, oRecordset Dim sInfo , sConnection, sSQL On Error Goto ErrorMessage Set oConnection = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") sConnection = "Provider=mrOleDB.Provider.2;Data Source=mrRdbDsc2;" sConnection = sConnection + "Location='Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Password=" + sPassword sConnection = sConnection + ";Persist Security Info=True;User ID=" sConnection = sConnection + sUser + ";Initial Catalog=" + sDatabase sConnection = sConnection + ";Data Source=" + sServer sConnection = sConnection + "';Initial Catalog=\\" + sServer sConnection = sConnection + "SPSSMR_FMROOT\Master" + sDatabase + "" sConnection = sConnection + sDatabase + ".mdd;MR Init Project=" + sDatabase oConnection.Open(sConnection) If ( oConnection.State = 1 ) Then sInfo = "Connection to the Database worked" Set oRecordset = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") sSQL = "SELECT " + sKey + " FROM " + sTable + " WHERE " + sWhere oRecordSet.Open(sSQL,oConnection,3,1) If ( oRecordSet.EOF = true and oRecordset.BOF = true ) Then sInfo = sInfo + "Name Not Found" oReturnObject.Remove("ID") ReturnObject.Add("ID", -1) Else sInfo = sInfo + "Name Found !!!" oReturnObject.Remove("ID") oReturnObject.Add("ID", oRecordset[sKey].Value) End if oRecordset.Close() oReturnObject.Remove("Message") oReturnObject.Add("Message", sInfo) Else oReturnObject.Remove("Message") oReturnObject.Add("Message", "Connection to the Database failed") End If oConnection.Close() Goto EndOfFunction ErrorMessage: sInfo = sInfo + "Error : " sInfo = sInfo + Err.Description + "" sInfo = sInfo + CTEXT(Err.LineNumber) oReturnObject.Remove("Message") oReturnObject.Add("Message", sInfo) EndOfFunction: Set oConnection = Null Set FindVDataRecord = oReturnObject End Function End Routing
JustCode : Connect and insert a record into a SQL table
This code will show you how to insert a record into a standard SQL table passing in values collected from a Data Collection Survey.
This is the metadata
Metadata(en-AU, Question, Label) ConnectionInfo "{Info}" info; Name "Name" text; End Metadata
This is the routing
Routing(Web3) Dim oInfo Set oInfo = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") oInfo.Add("Message","") oInfo.Add("ID",-1) Name.Ask() ' Lets Insert the Record Set oInfo = InsertDataRecord("MyServer","Participants", _ "Names","ID,UserName", _ CTEXT(iom.Info.Serial) + ",'" + Name.Response.Value + "'", _ "MyAdmin","ABC",oInfo) ConnectionInfo.Label.Inserts["Info"] = Ctext(oInfo.item["Message"]) ConnectionInfo.Show() Function InsertDataRecord(sServer,sDatabase,sTable, _ sFields,sValues,sUser,sPassword,oReturnObject) Dim oConnection, oRecordset Dim sInfo ,sConnection, sSQL On Error Goto ErrorMessage Set oConnection = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") sConnection = "Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Persist Security Info=-1;" sConnection = sConnection + "Password=" + sPassword + ";" sConnection = sConnection + "User ID=" + sUser + ";" sConnection = sConnection + "Initial Catalog=" + sDatabase + ";" sConnection = sConnection + "Data Source=" + sServer oConnection.Open(sConnection) If ( oConnection.State = 1 ) Then sSQL = "INSERT INTO " + sTable + " (" + sFields + ") VALUES " + "(" + sValues + ")" oConnection.Execute(sSQL) oReturnObject.Remove("Message") oReturnObject.Add("Message", "Connection to the Database worked, Insert Complete") Else oReturnObject.Remove("Message") oReturnObject.Add("Message", "Connection to the Database failed") End If oConnection.Close() Goto EndOfFunction ErrorMessage: sInfo = sInfo + "Error : " sInfo = sInfo + Err.Description + "" sInfo = sInfo + CTEXT(Err.LineNumber) oReturnObject.Remove("Message") oReturnObject.Add("Message", sInfo) EndOfFunction: Set oConnection = Null Set InsertDataRecord = oReturnObject End Function End Routing
JustCode : Ask a read only question
This code will show you how to display a question on the page in Readonly mode.
Metadata(en-AU, Question, label) Q1 "This is my text question" text; End Metadata
and the routing
**************************************** ' Designed by : Smarter Dimensions ' Last Updated : 4th August 2009 ' ask a read only question ' **************************************** Routing(Web) ' First way to make a question readonly ' Second way QDate.Style.Control.ReadOnly = True Q1.ask() End Routing