Quick Post : Building nested tables without using nests

Check out this post from forgetdata, in this article they show you how to create nested tables without using nests.


When you are making reports/tables/charts etc. frequently there’s some need to nest a variable in order to create a breakdown of a variable. Thankfully Reports for Surveys/Professional makes this all very trivial and has nice support for nesting.

For example you can make tables like this: Read More

Learn Flash Lesson 3 : Categorical Question

In the previous two articles we saw how to pass things from a flash object to data collection server and back again. In this article we will make a  categorical style question in flash and link it to our data collection survey. We will start with passing the data back to a text box and then  progress onto linking it to a categorical question.

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Learn Flash Lesson 2 : Pass it back to Data Collection Server

In our previous article on flash we discovered how to create a flash object with two text boxes on it and a  button that could interact with an html page via JavaScript. In this article we will discover how to add all  this code into a html file that can be used with a Data Collection Server survey.

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Learn Flash Lesson 1 : Lets Get Started

As promised here are our articles on integrating flash and data collection server. We started learning FLASH about 3 days ago and we now believe that we have found enough information to get something working. To get going with this , we downloaded the latest version of “Adobe Flash CS4 Professional” which gave us a 30 day trial. This has been more than enough time for us to get things working.

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