2×4 Survey Tester

Recently we had the opportunity to take a look at this great tool by 2×4. Survey Tester initiates process orientated automatic testing scenarios in which tester can flag problems directly on the screen. SurveyTester automatically creates screenshots and stores them so they can be reviewed by survey authors. Every test run is stored in the database and testers and survey authors can see in detail all the steps needed to replicate an identified issue. In addition, test runs can be exported and viewed individually or together through the visual work flow diagram.

Some of the features are

  • Cloud solution no need to install software.
  • One platform for testers, teams, survey authors and project managers.
  • SurveyTester now automatically detects which survey pages are mobile friendly.
  • Cost effective & time saving workflow process.
  • Creates a clear communication channel for test runs.

2×4 have made some recordings that you can take a look at the product. I recommend you do so, it could save you and your team allot of trouble.


2×4 Data Collection Interviewer Server Backup Application

I have been on holiday for the last few weeks and during that time I managed to get some articles written. Whilst on holiday I was asked by 2×4 if I wanted to have a play with their backup tool and of course I excepted. This article is about that app and it shows you what it can do and how you can do it in the first release. To be honest , and I get nothing for saying this , I think this will turn into a “Must Have App” for all those users out there , and I know a few , that struggle with or do not even do backups. With a couple of clicks you have backed up a project or restored it. No Complicate procedures , just a few clicks and you are done. Anyway , here is what I did and the screen shots that go with it.

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2×4 : Survey Tester

Testing surveys is a time-consuming and faulty process. Communication between testers and survey authors is often cumbersome and therefore valuable information about test runs, browsers used and operating systems can be lost. Testers send screenshots to survey authors who must waste time searching for the problematic screen—creating frustration and a risk that the problem will not be resolved.

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2X4 : Release “SmartTools for Scriptwriters”

How long do you need to convert 200 questions from Excel into an MDD file (including xxx.ask()) ? If it is less than 20 seconds, then you can skip the rest …

As a person who creates (sometimes) interview scripts, I frequently get into situations where the client send me 200 questions in an excel sheet. Usually I need just some hours for converting this into an MDD file, but this was still too much manual work.

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Killing two birds with one stone

Recently we were asked by our friends in India if we had any information around running Data Collection surveys for mobile devices. We don’t have anything , but we wonder if you do and would like to share it ? We have also created a survey that we would like you to try on your mobile device. If you don’t have a mobile device that can use the internet we would still like you to take this survey as it asks you amongst other things what you think about the IBM / SPSS acquisition. We will report our findings out at the end of the month.

Thanks once again to 2×4 consulting for letting us use their servers

2×4 Translate

The Story

“When I had to implement my first project with support for multiple languages, we all underestimated the need for professional translation management. I had to manage a project with 16 different languages and more than 1200 single labels. Instead of planned 2 hrs. management time per language, I finally needed more than twice as long.”

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